Other Issues in Media and Society

In this last entry I would like to shift your attention to other issues in media and society that I came across visiting other people's blogs.

One of the major issues in media seem to be portrayals of women. Although there have been an undenyable improvements of women's position in the society, it appears that the modern age keeps coming up with new ways of pressurizing women. You can learn more about the problems with portrayals of women in the media in the blog by Katerina Raimbault (2019). Special focus to the problem of body portrayals  has been given by Ruha Patil (2019), who believes it is almost as serious of an issue as hunger, poverty, and unemployment.

In case you are not a keen social media user like me, I advice that you visit Amarlan Amgalan's (2019) blog, which analyzes the role of influencers namely on Instagram. An interesting fact is that the blog makes connections to Mongolia, which is not something you can readily learn about.

Another interesting issue addressed in the blogs I have read was Emotional Branding by Zdenka Protivankova (2019). What makes this blog unique is that it does not consider emotional branding only as a tool of marketers, but instead it identifies this concept in other environment like church.

The last blog I would recommend you to visit is about the growing industry of esports. The author of the blog, Ruslan Suleimanov (2019), describes esports from different angles like business, health, and competition; he makes comparisons to actual sports and  talks about his own experience being a semi-professional gamer.

I hope you will find some of these recommendations interesting. Cheers!

Amgalan, A. (2019). Influencers of social media [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://amythegreatest.blogspot.com/
Patil, R. (2019). Media literacy project [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://mediasociety8.home.blog/
Protivankova, Z. (2019). Emotional branding [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://myprojectextravaganza.home.blog/
Raimbault, K. (2019). The place of women in the media [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://katerina-r.skyrock.com/
Suleimanov, R. (2019). Esports - the competitive phenomenon or how mainstream media creates a negative view [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://ruslansuleimanovmedia.blogspot.com/


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