Fake News in Slovakia

Fake News in Slovakia

(Negative Space, 2019) 

The term fake news in the context of Slovak media came to my attention just a few years ago. Since then I have noticed an increased number of controversial and alternative stories spreading mostly through social media. These stories often challenged the credibility of information provided by standard media and made many people believe that the media are being controlled by puppet masters who prevent people from knowing the “real truth”. Moreover, I noticed in several people in my vicinity (especially in elderly people) a shift towards mistrust and cynicism regarding topics like politics, health, history, economics and media.  By the words “mistrust” and “cynicism” I mean that these people either stopped pursuing an active interest in these topics or started to gravitate towards information and opinions that are alternative to those published by standard media. The aim of this blog is to investigate and evaluate the effects of fake news on Slovak society, identify the target groups of such news and possibly suggest a remedy in case the effects are identified as negative.  

Negative Space (2019). Gray laptop computer near journals [Online image]. Retrieved November 25, 2019 from https://www.pexels.com/photo/gray-laptop-computer-near-journals-177557/


  1. The issue your blog is dealing with is clearly relatable in today's society. The problem it talks about is quite interesting as it deals with a country I do not have a certain knowledge of. I really appreciated the details you've put in it. The blog in itself was pleasant to read because you did not lost yourself in the problem of fake news worldwide, but you concentrated yourself on Slovakia, which makes it seems more personnal. It even made me learn about things I would not have learn about on my own. Simply, good work.

  2. I like the issue of your blog and the research you did. It was interesting to see that media may influece the people in a different way with so-called "fake news". I lived for some time in Slovakia and noticed by myself that some people see the same historical events and news in the different way even comparing to Czechs or Polish people.


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